Section: Software


Participants : Claire Gardent [correspondent] , Eric Kow [developer] , Carlos Areces [developer] .

GenI is a surface realiser that generates sentences from first order logical formulae. It is implemented in Haskell and uses the Glasgow Haskell compiler to obtain executable code for Windows, Solaris, Linux and Mac OS X. GenI is compatible with both a grammar for French (SemTag ) and for English (SemXTag ), both grammars beeing produced using the XMG MetaGrammar Compiler. SemTag covers the basic syntactic structures of French as described in Anne Abeillé's book “An Electronic Grammar for French”. SemXTag has a coverage similar to that of XTAG, the TAG grammar for English developped by the University of Pennsylvannia . GenI is under GPL License. See also the web page http://talc.loria.fr/GenI-un-realisateur-de-surface.html .

  • Version: 0.20.1